Welcome to the web site of the South African National Consumer Union (SANCU), an independent and free resource for consumers in South Africa.

This web site aims to advise, inform, and educate South African consumers:

  • About SANCU
  • about consumer rights,
  • about consumer alerts,
  • how to complain when things go wrong, and
  • where to obtain redress

SANCU is a voluntary Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) that represents millions of South African consumers. It functions as an umbrella organisation and its membership extends to the vitally important grass-roots organisations across the country. Being independent, SANCU speaks with authority on behalf of all consumers. Its opinions are sought by manufacturers, retailers, the agricultural sector, parastatals (such as the SABS) and Government. SANCU interacts with all of these bodies where the interests of consumers are concerned.

We hope you will find the contents of this web site useful. Please use the tabs above to access the relevant pages.