SANCU is run by unpaid volunteers whose work is coordinated by a remunerated part-time executive officer. The membership fees for consumer bodies and individuals are kept deliberately low to encourage participation. SANCU’s operations are financed mainly by fees from commercial organisations operating in the consumer space who wish to demonstrate their commitment to consumers and who wish to engage with SANCU. The fees for such companies are very modest by commercial standards.
Affiliated Members
These are the core member bodies of SANCU who are able to nominate office-bearers, stand for office and who enjoy voting rights. Affiliate membership is open to voluntary national, provincial, regional, and local organisations which are concerned inter alia with the objectives of furthering the interest of consumers. Such membership is subject to the approval of existing Affiliate Members and Nominated Members who form the General Council of the Union
The list of Affiliated Members can be found here
Individual Members
Individual membership is open to persons who wish to join the Union in their private capacity on account of their specific interest in consumer affairs. Individual members do not have a vote, nor can they stand for office, unless they enjoy Nominated Membership status. Otherwise, they have the same rights as Affiliated Members. Individual Membership is subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
Nominated Members
Individual members with the interest and ability to participate as full members of the Executive Committees and, if appropriate, to stand for office may be nominated by the Executive Committee and approved on an annual basis by the General Council. There is a limitation on the concurrent number of Nominated Members.
Commercial organisations operating in the consumer space who wish to demonstrate their commitment to consumers and who wish to pursue closer association with consumers through SANCU, may become Associates. Associates may participate in all member activities but are not entitled to vote. Applications to become Associates are considered by the Executive Committee.
The list of Associates can be found here
SANCU thanks these Associates for their vital support and for their commitment to consumers.